Koh Tao

We're in Koh Tao now, living in a cute little bungalow just 10 minutes from the main beach and I'm loving it here! Koh Samui was a bit too much, had fun on the scooter and the beach was alright but not my type of place.
This is smaller, cuter and the restaurants and bars are right on the beach here.
We'll probably rent a couple of scooters tomorrow again and maybe go anorkeling one day and go kayaking one day... Busy and happy girls, theres loads to do and see and it's so much cheaper than Australia here so we might as well do loads of fun stuff here!! Unfortunatelly I can't upload any pictures but it's just as pretty as you see on pictures online!
Love Sandra

Koh Samui

Thank you all for the comments, it makes me happy!!!

We're now on Koh Samui, just arrived today from Koh Phangan where we stayed for a few days. It was the full moon party and we had some great nights there but the actual party night was a bit to much. And one of the nights I managed to get both my camera and phone stolen... I now I shouldn't have brought them to the beach party but it's easy to be smart afterwards.

Koh Samui is nice but we haven't seen much of it yet, staying on Lamai beach but gonna move to Chaweng tomorrow we're we'll meet up Sara (Malins sister) again. And one day we'll rent scoters to explore the island by ourselves and we've already done some dress shopping but there will be more to come!!!

Love you long time

by the way

You can now also put comments on the blog!

For you who didn't notice, If you scroll down theres a great text and loads of pictures and it took me shit loads of time to do that. But it seems like no one reads here anymore so I might as well stop writing.

And for anyone who might read and care, it rains and there's a thunderstorm here in Phuket and we'll leave tomorrow

Agnes misstag ;)

Jag har råkat radera headern av misstag, den kommer tillbaka så fort jag kan, jag lovar :D


Broome > Perth

It's been a long trip and good fun. First day we went to 80 mile beach and then we were camping on a cattle station outside Port Hedland. Second day we drove up to Karijini National Park and stayed there for 3 nights. That park is full of gorges and all of them are different so we did loads of hikes there. We were a multi national group of 12 and it was a great group and you get pretty close fast when you see each other 24 hours of the day, eating together, doing walks together, sleeping together (don't get me wrong) and drinking together.
I don't know the names of all the gorges we went down in but in all the natural pools but the last one we were swimming. On the evenings we sat at the camp talking and we were drinking a bit to, one night our tour leader's aboriginal friend came over and played the guitar and we also saw dingos that night...

After Karijini we drove to Exmouth and then it thankfully was the end of camping. In Exmouth we went snorkeling of the beach at some beautiful spots and we also saw a snake and a lizzard on the beach. When we were in the water I saw the "ass" of a reef shark who was sleeping under the reef. And in the evening we saw wales from a lookout at the lighthouse in sunset.
The next day was Coral Bay where we spend two nights. During the day there it was a day off and almost all of us went out on a boat to go snorkeling with manta rays. We also saw dolphins, turtles and loads of fish when we were snorkeling on some beautiful spots on the outer reef.
Then we were heading to Denham which is a small and cute town by Shark Bay. In the morning we went to Monkey Mia, a beach there where dolphins come up in very shallow water to get fed. Just a few of uf on the tour got to feed them (not me) but we all got really close!
The last night we slept in Kalbarri, another national park with loads of gorges. Luckily enough we only did one walk (I'm a bit fed up with gorges now) and then we went for the local pub there and later on a crazy beach party since it was the last night.
On our was from Kalbarri to Perth we went sandboarding and went to the Pinnacles and on the Saturday we arrived here!

Perth is a really cool city and I wish I had more time here. Both the shopping and the nightlife is brilliant here, the only thing that could be better would be the weather, it so cold here! I'm walking around in jeans or leggings, a jumper and a scarf all the time, it feels like spring in Europe but I wish I had even warmer clothes!
I stay here in a hostel together with a girl from the tour and so far we've seen the city (and loads of gorgeous clothes...), Fremantle and Kings Park.
Tomorrow we're going to Fremantle again to see the prison and to go to a bar to do some beer tasting and then it'll be my last night in Australia for a while... And tomorrow I've been away from Sweden for a year!

Enjoy all the pictures, it starts with a sunset in Broome and finishes with The Pinnacles!

Coral Bay

Now I'm in Coral Bay and this town is tiny!!! Karijini National Park was amazing and we did loads of walks down in gorges. Ningaloo reef here on the west is beautiful and today I've been swimming with manta rays, saw loads of dolphins and turtles and been snorkeling a lot.
Tomorro were heading further down and at some point we're going to Monkey Mia on the way. I really don't keep track of days here nor time but I now we'll be in Perth on Saturday..!
Over and out Sandra

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