by the way
You can now also put comments on the blog!
For you who didn't notice, If you scroll down theres a great text and loads of pictures and it took me shit loads of time to do that. But it seems like no one reads here anymore so I might as well stop writing.
And for anyone who might read and care, it rains and there's a thunderstorm here in Phuket and we'll leave tomorrow
For you who didn't notice, If you scroll down theres a great text and loads of pictures and it took me shit loads of time to do that. But it seems like no one reads here anymore so I might as well stop writing.
And for anyone who might read and care, it rains and there's a thunderstorm here in Phuket and we'll leave tomorrow
Postat av: Anonym
Snälla snälla snälla snälla......
sluta inte skriva här.
Jag läser o tittar varje dag. /M xxx
Postat av: Anita Eriksson
Bloggen läses o beundras i det tysta varje dag. Tack snälla för att den finns./M xxxxxx
Postat av: Pappa
ok jag är skitdålig på att kommentera! ska försöka bättra mig!!!men va f--n det här är den enda info kanalen jag har till dig min älskade Sandra!!! sluta inte för allt i världen!!!! älskar dig! pappa
Postat av: Harry
and we also read the blog lots 7 lots - we love it - keep going!! Cheers, Harry x
Postat av: Pernilla
Hej! Jag läser också bloggen - lägg inte ner den :O
Bara 12 dagar kvar innan vi ses, jippiiii :-)