Last week Kiki and Rob were here and if I could find the cord to my camera I could upload some pics but I haven't found it yet... Gonna keep looking and maybe show you what we've been up to with the pics!
Midsummer was not as it should have been btw. No herring, no potatoes with sourcream and chives, no salmon, and no snaps. But we had a good night out with loads of ppl from the hostel!
Sorry for not writing more, maybe some other day!
17 June
And at the take away place we have an awesome coffe machine so now I'm making the best cappuccinos in town! I promise you all they are awesome! So today after work I sat in Smith st mall with my malaysian take away and my cappuccino in the sun before I wen't and bought a pair of new sunglasses!
Love Sandra
still alive!
And the only thing we've done since is work, work, work... On the Sunday we went to Casuarina beach with some friends for work and we had a big bonfire til late in the night! And on the Tuesday me and Malin went to Casuarina shopping mall and bought yellow tops to wear to work on Friday, it's nationality theme for the world cup and of course we're gonna dress in Sweden's blue and yellow even though we're not even in the world cup!
Normally it's hawaiian theme on Fridays so I'm very glad we change this week (no one looks good in hawaiian shirts!).
And otherwise not much have happened, I've been shopping a little, one polka dotted top on sale and now I'm going to just jeans to buy a pair of jeans shorts on sale (we love midsummer sale!)!!
The pictures are from Florence Falls and by the water near Darwin CBD!
This weekend some friends of ours came here from Cairns, those crazy boys drove all the way just to come here over a weekend so now they are on their way back to Cairns and the lovely hostel Asylum! On the Friday and the Saturday we didn't do anything, I had the Friday off but we spend some time in the hostel instead of going out.
On the Sunday we all (except poor Emily who had a bad cold) went to Litchfield national park but we only had time to see Florence falls since we went there quite late and the distances are much longer than you expect here in oz..
Otherwise noting fun is going on here. We're looking for an apartment and working a lot, so I don't have much time to write here but at least I'll get some $$$!
Now I'm gonna go back to the hostel and eat some malaysian take away from my job and lay by the pool!!
Love Sandra
Florence Falls, not my pic though, their still in my camera waiting to go to the memory stick...
I don't wanna work toady...
I'm now working in Alby's malaysian take away day time monday to friday taking orders and putting food in little containers. And night time in Hog's breath cafe with Malin and Emily as a waitress and I'm starting tonight so hopefully I won't spill food on some customers!
And I'm really really tired because today was a training day on Hog's so I've already been there for 6 hrs today... Last night was a night out with the people in the hostel and that doesn't make it better.
Love Sandra
The life here isn't always that exciting...
Some days it's just the normal life and it's so damn boring!
But on the Saturday we had a big night out with nice dresses, the hair done, pretty make up, wine, cruisers, bulmers and loads more!
And now we're job hunting so writing in the blog is just another excuse for not looking for work.. this is so damn boring!!!
Love Sandra
Thx Agnes!!!!!!!!!
Now we're in Darwin, went to a night market last night wich was a very cool one. And then we went out to a few places here in town and inthe first bar we got free drinks and a bottle of champagne for free so we like it here!
We just have to find a good hostel and jobs...
And in a few months when we've worked and saved up money I'm gonna travel down the west coast to Perth/Adelaide and be there in beginning-mid September. Travel abroad to maybe Thailand or somewhere else in South East Asia, Singapore or maybe New Zeeland for a few weeks, apply for a tourist visa, cross my fingers hard, go back to oz and do east coast! So then I would be back in Sweden the coldest darkest time of the year but I won't have the long autumn..!
Love Sandra
We survived

Cairns - Alice Springs

Cairns - Alice Springs - Darwin
And when we're in Darwin we're gonna look for jobs and save up money to be able to travel more!!!!
Take care, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!
Love Sandra
Today we were supposed to go to a job agency and ask if they had anything but since neither Malin or Emily felt very well we didn't go so now we have something to do tomorrow morning!
But tomorrow we actually did something good, we went to the cinema with a group of people from the hostel and saw the movie Kick-Ass! That was a really good movie, way better than I expexcted with Mc Lovin from Superbad and Nicolas Cage!
And we're thinking of leaving Cairns and go to Darwin and since I'm sick of flying and missing out on things on the way we're looking for people who have spare seats in their car. it would be so fun going on a big road trip and do something different for a change!!
I tried to upload some photos after mums request but the computer won't find my camera.... Maybe next time!
Love Sandra
7 months and 5 days later...
Not much is going on here, we're still looking for work, all the farms we call just say that they'll need people in two weeks. Yesterday we registered with a job club in town, we'll see what we can get from there! And if we won't find farm work here we might go to Darwin or somewhere else, we don't plan anything and I have no clue where I'll be in a week from now!
This new hostel is great, all the people are very welcoming and even if it's a party hostel it's very easy to have a quiet night like tonight! And tomorrow it's an all you can eat bbq with amazing steak, lamb, chicken and sausages of course so tomorrow we'll be sitting outside with our food and eat as much as we can! And on Saturday a friend of Malin from Sydney is coming up and in a week or so mine and Emilys friends from Melbourne will come up here and look for work with us(so yes we have friends!)!!
I'll try to write again soon when something fun is happening or when I know what we'll do!
Love Sandra
Yesterday me (Sandra), Emily and Liam (a guy from the hostel) went to the little rainforest village Kuranda. Since we're poor backpackers we took the local bus up and saved about $35 on not taking the scenetic train. Kuranda is really small and full of tourists but it wasn't crowded at all yesterday! We had a look in the markets and then took a walk to Barron Falls, it was 3 k away and in the heat it wasn't the easiest walk but I need to get fit again! The falls were beautiful so the walk would have been worth it anyway!
Cairns baby!!
I'm still not using our cute little Swedish laptop so I'll just keep writing on English!
Me and Malin are now together again here in Cairns!! We started in a hostel called Global Central but that one didn't have the right feeling so today we moved in to a hostel called Asylum and so far this is very good!!
Cairns is very small and we have seen the whole city but not the reef or the rainforest yet, we gonna go with Emily and another girl on a bus tour that takes us through the rainforest and stoppes by waterfalls where we can swim! (We might upload some pics from that later...)
Our goal here in Cairns was to find a fruit farm to go and work on and we'll probably go to a basil farm in Mareeba 1hr outside Cairns, but the season doesn't start until 1.5-2 weeks so until then well just stay here in a cheap hostel and eat free meals every day!
Tonight the hostel has an all you can eat $4 bbq and they will make steak so I'm counting down the hours to dinner! Plus they have free internet so we'll maybe write more on the blog!!
Love Sandra
Nu ska jag lämna Sydney!
Nervös också över att jag ska flyga alldeles ensam imorgon, helt jäkla ensam och jag som är så rädd för att flyga, det här blir ett stort steg för mig!
I'm leaving!!
Melbourne is very very cold now and I'm hoping to improve my tan a little when I get up north because there is no way I'm laying on the beach in this weather!!
Take care all you people back at home!!
Love Sandra
Hej då Sydney
I alla fall, ikväl blir det party innan vi drar imorgon, jippi!
Läger in en gamal bild på mig och Jo i Melbourne.

Pictures from the last week!

Sightseeing in Melbourne with some ppl from the hostel and then some cheap beer later!
Happy Easter!!
I'm so sick of not having the Swedish letters and the text looks weird wothout them so I hope everyone understands my English and I'm sorry for if I spell something wrong!
The last week have been amazing, it's the most weird easter of my life and me and Robert have met many new people at the hostel so we're now a big crazy group that does everything together.
On the Saturday me, Robert and our two friends Martin and Nadine rented a car and since we were quite late with the rental they only had a convertible left but we didn't mind, how cool isn't it to do the Great Ocean Road with a car like that?! We left Saturday morning and went straight to the twelwe apostles, that was amazing, massive rocks sticking up from the ocean and the drive is one of the most beautiful in the whole world! Then we went to the Otway National park wich have a really nice rain forest! After going out from that one the little lamp in the car for the battery came up, we decided to just keep driving and the battery will be charged. But when we stopped at a lookout the car wouldn't start again, after a while we got help to start it with some jump starters and we were going to drive straight home to St Kilda but since the light failed us and the steering went weird we decided to stop in a little town called Lorne. We left the car there and managed to take a taxi back home after a few hours in the little town! First we weren't going to get a taxi until 2am but we found another one with a driver who looked like santa claus, the most expensive taxi ride of my life, it costed $250!
Otherwise we haven't done anything special, Monday we had a big bbq with some friends here in Home, we had some lovely burgers!! And on the Tuesday we went for sightseeing in the city and the botanical gardens with a group of friends from the hostel! Today has been a quiet day, both me and Robert have caught a cold.. We'll see what will happen tomorrow, no plans so far!
Enjoy the pictures, I tried to upload more but the computer wont let me...