I just don't know what to do with myself

 Alright. My Thai visa expires on Saturday and I'm flying to Singapore to explore that country (again) but that's as far as I know. Plus I just realized I should have booked my flight the day before the visa expires because otherwise I might get in trouble but I'll take that problem later. 
 My plan was to go back to Cairns and maybe try to get a cash in hand job there for a month or so.
But I might have changed my mind, I might go back to Thailand and go to Koh Tao for a month, get a cheap bungalow and just relax and try to figure out what to do with my life.
Both options has their risks, what if I don't find a job in Cairns and what if I have an aweful time in Tao. If I don't find a job in Cairns I will loose loads of money from just living there and Thailand sounds like loads of fun. I have to make my decision tomorrow because then I need to book my flight to Australia but if I'm going to Thailand I might go by boat.

All these decisions are making me go a bit crazy but believe it or not, it's fun not knowing in what continent or country I'll be in 5 days.

And if my dear cousins in Adelaide are reading this I just want to tell you that I'll be spending Christmas with you because I am coming back to Oz again. Before I go to SA I'll be doing parts of the east coast (The Whitsundays and Magnetic Island and maybe some more) and then in the beginning or the middle of December I'm coming to Adelaide. 
I don't know if I should be writing this but maybe mum is coming to (even if I shouldn't have wrote it she can't do anything about it since she's not here!).

Plus I need all of your phone numbers again since I got my phone stolen...

Love you long time Sandra

Postat av: minna

haha oj shit va komplicerat :D men hur blir de med visum hit o dit hade inte de gått ut för att vara kvar i OZ?? jag vill ha hem dig till sverige näär??

mitt nummer är 076 2545 955


2010-10-16 @ 11:48:04

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